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How to make a Paper Bow

This video lesson tells and shows you how to make a nice Bow. If you want to study how to do such Bow, create, please, some ones and choose yourself the most desirable size and color.

So, you need a square piece of paper and pair of scissors for creating one Bow. The paper’s size and color depend only on your choice.

Use the video description below this text for creating this handcraft.

A readymade handcraft can be a nice decoration for holiday’s wrapping, boxes. You can use the Paper Bow as a delightful supplement for a costume. You can spend nice time with children or friends. And, of course, this activity can be inspiring.

Then the handcraft is ready, you need some glue to fix it on a chosen object.

Автор: Olya Russ   
Дата: 2013-02-13   

Good luck!

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Комментарий добавил(а): fatima
Дата: 2013-05-19

thank you sooooooooooooooooo much it helped a lot thanks for the English 1

Комментарий добавил(а): asim
Дата: 2013-05-19

thanks a tiny bit difficult but survived

Комментарий добавил(а): raquel
Дата: 2013-06-20

muito legal amei muito criativo gostei mesmo e ? facil

^ Наверх ^