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How to make a Paper Flower

One can create a lot of beautiful flowers from paper. One way of such creative work is origami.

Origami lets to use one square of paper and to get a real model of flowers, animals, boxes, etc. This video lesson tells and shows how to make a flower. It will be a Carnation. One can do a blooming flower of the Carnation or its bud.

You need some red and green sheets of paper and some clue. At first, try, please, to make one small flower. And then choose your favorite color and size for flowers and theirs stalks.

Use the video description below this lesson’s text. I used a paper of such sizes: 8 * 8cm for flowers and 15 * 15cm for green stalks there.

Put the readymade flowers into a vase or use them as a decorating for celebrating cards.

Spend your time being creative and get amazing inspiration!

Автор: Olya Russ   
Дата: 2013-03-23   

Good luck!

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